Let’s clean my desk… Not!

Yes, I also have it, like almost everyone around me: Corona. As soon as I start to feel a little bit less miserable, I crawl behind my work office. My table top is always nice and messy. I want to have everything at hand and be able to leave it until I catch up again.

It has taken me a long time to admit that I have trouble cleaning up. Of course, my environment has secretly known it for a long time. But I have felt the urge to do something about it for a long time and to ignore that I just find it rather difficult. If I have to clean up, I first have to create order in my head and that is not always easy for me. That's why I learned tricks, such as fixed places for things, rituals or certain music or incense when I go to clean up, to make it a little easier for myself.

Some people may find it weird that I can't clean up properly and don't expect that from a middle-aged woman with a busy life. It does not fit into the picture. But guys and girls let's just ignore that. Everybody has their frogs to eat. I make the best of it, so say to everyone: deal with it..


Cultural Consciousness


Saying goodbye does not exist