Family Matters

Every now and then we organize a Knolday in the family. Knolparty, according to my three year old second cousin. Even though there is an ocean between us, online we can make plans and share love and ideas for traveling. This is also the case during the knolday on 15 October 2022. The old school that my uncles and aunts attended was visited. My aunts still live in the house where I used to stay with grandpa and grandma, and played ‘stoepranden’. (a game with a ball on the street). My niece now lives with my second cousin a few blocks away, on the edge of the forest where we used to race down the hill with the ‘zeepkist’ (box on wheels). With grandpa we often walked there. Grandpa who, with his hands folded on his back, told about Sambo the Lion while walking.

During this Knolday I make online appointments with Michiel Knol, my cousin who is a dedicated painter and makes beautiful work in the style of Vincent van Gogh. We will soon zoom over an exhibition of his work that will soon take place in Amersfoort. I hope that he can also come and paint on Bonaire and capture the colors here. Who knows..

Michiel Knol


Living with nature


Valuable Coral Reefs